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OCR: :. 2000.0000 Fle Select Help Tila Authore Name ¡Namo dbCht[2] Data 0 - None Company Name 1 .30 BackColor BOFAction 0 - Move Fast Caption Obiceb doCut Pioc: Reposition Connect Access Build the lists of related records when the curt Discioon [None) Private Sub AbCtrl Reposicion (Index As Integer) DragMode 0 - Manual Ig Index . Publishers Then Enabled ListPubsTitles EOFAction 0 - Move Lait El == If Index > Authors Then Exclusive ListAuthorTitles MS Sans Seri ElseIf Index = Titles Then ForeColor &#80000008 ListTitleAuthors Height 375 Index 2 End Sub Left 3000 Moussloon None) HowKEya 25 Belo - Marcsch Visual Ba - 4-5 :45 PM FIGURE 3 Visual Basic 4.0 is one of the first tools to offer support for remote OLE automation servers. Remote automation servers let developers distribute applications across many computers over a network.